1. Question and Answers: You could create a blog for your class in which students could post questions about the material they are learning. Other students, can help answer the questions and post upon them. I think this is a good way to use your classmates as a resource for information instead of going directly to the teachter. THe teacher could monitor the blogs to make sure the students are on the right track or help guide them to the correct answers.
2. Study Guides: You could put study guide and test discussion questions that the students and work on throughout the unit to help prepare them for an exam. This way students who are normally to shy or embarassed to ask a question in class are given the chance to ask a question or for help on exam material.
3. Discussion Questions: You could have students for homework comment on a discussion question you might have talked about in class that day or will be talking about in class the next day. This would be a good way to understand how well your students are paying attention or understanding the material in class. It is also a good way to see how much your students might already know about a topic you are going to teach and will help you focus on things they do not know very well.